Inaugural Ceremony &

Описание к видео Inaugural Ceremony &

Date: June 1st , 2024

Up-Right Public School, Pashkum Kargil - The Teacher Parents Meeting and Inaugural Ceremony of the New Bus Service held on June 1st, 2024, marked a momentous occasion for the school and its community. Chief Guests Sheikh Abdullah Jalili and Sheikh Ghulam Hussain Ziya-Ud-Deen emphasized the critical role of education and community engagement in shaping the future of the region.

The event highlighted the essential societal impact of educational institutions like Up-Right Public School in nurturing the next generation. The participation of esteemed guests underscored the importance of fostering a culture of learning and development within the community.

The inauguration of the new bus service signifies the school's proactive approach to student welfare and convenience. By providing safe and reliable transportation, the school aims to ensure students' access to education while promoting security and ease for parents and caregivers.

The collaborative spirit of the occasion, bringing together parents, teachers, and guests, emphasized the significance of a strong school-community partnership. Through open communication and mutual support, Up-Right Public School continues to create an environment conducive to academic and personal growth for its students.

The Teacher Parents Meeting provided a platform for productive discussions, enabling parents to engage with teachers to enhance student progress and well-being. Such interactions contribute to building a supportive network that benefits the overall educational experience of the students.

In conclusion, the event showcased the collective commitment of all stakeholders towards the success and development of the students at Up-Right Public School. The occasion reaffirmed the school's dedication to providing quality education and a nurturing atmosphere, setting a positive tone for the upcoming academic year.

Pure Soul Media

Youlpi Dada Hashim (Pure Soul Media)


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