THE BUM GUN— a funny “How To” and Other Fun Uses

Описание к видео THE BUM GUN— a funny “How To” and Other Fun Uses

A funny “travel hack” approach on how to use the Bum Gun, a method of toilet hygiene that most Americans fear using but a necessary skill in Asia and elsewhere. As we sat in a pool discussing our newfound skill, Tim started cracking jokes and out popped this video, unplanned, unscripted, just Tim at his goofiest! We hope you enjoy it! Tim will teach you how to get spankin’ clean in a funny, not embarrassing, way—even how to dry off! Soggy toilet paper—what?! And he’s got some other crazy hack uses for the bum gun as well! We’re in Bali and we knew we’d need this skill all over Asia so we figured it out and wanted to share what we wish we’d found on YouTube.

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