How To Pitch Vending Machines To Businesses

Описание к видео How To Pitch Vending Machines To Businesses

In this video, How To Pitch Vending Machines To Businesses we are going over everything vending sales and approach so that you can go out and land your first vending location!

One of the key factors when landing a vending account as a beginner or as a current vending business owner has to do with your mindset. Sales is a mindset game. The more you are mentally prepared for your sales pitches and interactions, the more you will succeed and the better you will get with each pitch.

There are 3 main ways to land new vending business accounts.

Not all locations that give you a YES are going to be profitable; this is just the reality of this business. Vending machines must be placed with a diligent eye, and you can even use my five-point system which I mentioned in a previous video. If you are interested in that, go to my last video "how to start a vending business properly".

The biggest sign that a vending account is a good account is the parking lot. Is the parking lot full? Are there people going in and out of the building? You have to do some detective work to find the best vending accounts, and the more research you do before hand, the less head ache you have afterwards.

Switching gears a bit and assuming you are getting closer to your first yes, I want to address contracts and if they are a good idea. Contracts are amazing for many business agreements in the world, but for a vending machine it might hurt you more than it helps you. I suggest offering a trial period with your vending machine, not locking yourself or the business into an agreement, and seeing how the machines perform. If they do well, you can always bring up a contract afterwards.

Leading up to the contract or landing a location, you are going to want to talk to the decision maker, but don't make the mistake I made in the past. Make each person you get into contact with feel important. Ask them if they are the owner. Ask how they day is going. Make sure you are calm, polite and confident. Stay tuned till the end and I will give you one of my pitches that you can use for FREE. And if you haven't already hit that subscribe button.

Whether you call first or just walk in does not matter, it is all about your approach and knowing what to say, when to say it, and how to say it.

The number one reason locations say no is because of your lack of confidence and ability to say the right things to the right people. But also, many businesses that are the greatest fit for vending riches usually have vending machines in their location so that creates a barrier of entry.

Following up will make or break your sales success in any sales oriented job/business. Some say it can take up to 8 contact points before having a location make a serious decision. A no does not mean no until it's a no. this might make no sense, but as you talk to more locations ands continue to follow up you will understand the power of that saying.

A no simply means NEXT OPPURTUNITY. When someone rejects you, it doesn't mean anything against you or your business. Its like picking up girls. You wont always hit home runs, and there will be strike outs, but eventually you will have to try again until you the find the one. Rejection  pushes you closer to your dreams.

Rejection is proof that you are doing something to push your life forward. Rejection is a subconscious response most of the time from busy people. You will get rejected less and less as you tailor your pitch better. As for that pitch I promised, here it is.


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