Описание к видео FO SHO - BLCK SQR [EUROVISION 2020]

FO SHO - BLCK SQR [Official Audio] (c) 2019

Автор пісні - Бетті Єндале [FO SHO]
Music & Lyrics - Betty Endale [FO SHO]


In complete darkness we are all the same
Don’t let your eyes deceive you

I’m just like a black square
Got a lot of layers in me
I’m just like a black square yeah
Got a lot of layers in me

Verse 1
“A double do you“
A bit of a goob
Is art MOMA guess I’ll take your word for it hm cool
Art has no rules
Well how about the sculpture of a giant piece of human feces
No disses
This must resonate within our walls of human being right
nah nah nah
Just stop that shit
I don’t like it
It’s disgusting yaaaak

Has this art not steered your soul
How about that Mona Lisa on the wall
Consider this black triangle
Check it from different angles
What does it mean to you
Do you feel nothing
That, perhaps
it is your fault

Well if it’s in the museum than it must be gold right?
I guess I just saw my type of art
Dude from Kiev KAZEMIR is number one in my chart

I’m just like a black square yeah
Got a lot of layers in me
I’m just like a black square yeah
Got a lot of layers in me
I’m just like a black square yeah
Got a lot of layers in me
I’m just like a black square yeah
Got a lot a lot la la la la

Verse 2
In the room still at 73 million 74, 75
Auction war who can pay more
Bigger the score bigger the pride
People fight hope we’ll be alright
We got money for the war
But for life it’s tight
Lord God plz save our world
Don’t let our mind get blurred

That’s a thing uh uh yeah
Let it ring in your brain let it ring
We got cheese Jees
We’ve got art to start
We’ve got choice we’ve got Voice
We’ve got mind we’re smart
Legends showed us how to think outside of the box
Dude from Kiev Kazemir is still in my thoughts


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Instagram:   / fosho.official  


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