Napoleon cake💜 cake recipe 💜 Aussie girl can cook

Описание к видео Napoleon cake💜 cake recipe 💜 Aussie girl can cook

Iconic here in S.A this homemade version will rock your world. recipe written below. this cake originated in France. its Iconic in S.A as Balfours has made them since i was a kid many moons ago lol xo

2 sheets frozen puff pastry
baking tray with baking paper

1/2 jar or a little less lol of raspberry or strawberry jam

2 to 3 table spoons coconut


3 eggs
1 tea spoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup caster sugar
1/4 cup plain flour
1/4 cup self raising flour
1/4 cup corn flour
23 cm square cake tin with baking paper

mock cream

1/2 cup caster sugar
1/3 cup boiling water
125g butter at room temp.


1 cup icing sugar
1 tea spoon soft butter or marg
1 table spoon milk to start
few drops pink food dye

pre heat oven 190 degrees C

get out the 125g butter...chop in bowl covered set aside for mock

get a tray with baking paper and the cake tin ready

thaw out 2 sheets puff
when thaw put on paper
make indents with back of knife
bake 1 at a time make sure oven hot at temp first
bake for 12 mins until light golden brown

once both cooked turn oven down to 180 degrees C


in a bowl sift plain flour, self raising flour and corn flour set aside

med bowl
crack 3 eggs add vanilla
get 1/2 cup caster sugar ready
beat eggs with elec beater til thick and creamy
then slowly add sugar while beating
sprinkle sifted flours over mix and fold together
pour in pan and jiggle around till level
bake for approx 16 to 18 mins
til yummy brown and scewer comes out clean
leave for 5 mins then pull out tin leave to go cold

at this stage have a cuppa and do the dishes were gonna need some more utensils

mock syrup
small saucepan
1/2 cup caster sugar
1/3 cup boiled water
mix put on med heat
keep stirring til sugar melted then stop stirring bring up to boil the take straight off
set aside to go cold at room temp.

while that is cooling
cut pastry to size

small bowl
1 cup icing sugar
1 tea spoon soft butter or marg
1 table spoon milk to start
cple drops pink food dye
mix add tiny bits milk at a time till get yum and spreadable
cover set aside til need

get 3 table spoons coconut ready

once syrup cold
beat the butter that is at room temp with elec beater til white
then add syrup slowly while beating then beat a little extra when finished

put together

1 puff spread raspberry jam
spread half mock on sponge
turn puff onto sponge
gently turn the lot over
last half cream on sponge
pastry smooth side down spread jam
flip pastry over put on top sponge
spread icing over top
sprinkle with coconut
cut how you like
store in air tight container or plate with glad wrap at room temp
do not fridge no good to freeze
last 3 days if ya lucky

p.s sorry about the not so spotless utensels my grand daughter did the dishes and i didnt have my goggles on when i put them away lol
love ya xo 💜💜💜💜


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