English SOS [文法篇]: 最基本英文完整句子結構

Описание к видео English SOS [文法篇]: 最基本英文完整句子結構

今堂教四句好常見嘅英文句子。本身句子都幾簡單,但又真係好多人用錯。今堂講解少少文法(grammar), 等你知道錯喺邊度。

In this lesson, we will look at four sentences that are commonly misworded. These sentences are quite simple, but always misworded by so many people in HK due to a lack of understanding of sentence structures. We will look at the basic structure of a complete sentence in English and you will then understand where the problem lies.

   • English SOS: 實用英語教室  

上一條影片: [詞彙篇]: 十種常見嘅恐懼症
   • English SOS [詞彙篇]: 十種常見嘅恐懼症  

下一條影片: [實用篇]: 用感官動詞去表達感覺
   • English SOS [實用篇]: 用感官動詞去表達感覺  

Facebook Page:   / englishsos.hk  
Instagram Page:   / v8cool  

Special thanks to www.bensound.com for the lovely background music~


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