Heart Touching Bangla Short Film | বাবার নষ্ট ছেলে | New Video 2018 | by Foorti Express

Описание к видео Heart Touching Bangla Short Film | বাবার নষ্ট ছেলে | New Video 2018 | by Foorti Express

It's a bangla short film. This the father's story. This is the story of a middle class family. The father who made a small job, admitted his only son to private university. After mother's death, the boy is trying to fulfill his own needs. Still The father complains to his son that he does not fulfill his demands. By saying this, the boy would take money from his father and surprise him shopping for his father. When he saw the boyfriend, the father embraced him.

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Bangla Short Film | বাবার নষ্ট ছেলে | Eid-ul Adha Special 2017

Habibur Mamun
Mamun-Ur Rashid
Mansurul Haque Masum

Nasir R Mahmud
Sharif Mahmud

Nasir R Mahmud

Script & Directed by:
Nasir R Mahmud

Our previous video link:

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