Laxasia The Complete EASY CHEESE Lies of P (NG or NG+)

Описание к видео Laxasia The Complete EASY CHEESE Lies of P (NG or NG+)

Here is how to easily Cheese Laxasia the Complete in Lies of P! This boss can take you down in two hits relatively easily, but what's nice is we can take her down in 2 minutes if you follow this guide! If you need more throbbles, you can go to the Malam District and they can be purchased there, but this. boss is not too difficult if you follow along and throw lots of throwables in the way that I described it in this video. Laxasia has one move you can punish when she throws electricity at you, it feels like Ocarina of Time!

This was done in NG+ but I have a video of it in new game as well

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