Hawaiian Fruit Salad

Описание к видео Hawaiian Fruit Salad

A Perfect Recipe for Summer and the Fourth of July!

Calling all sunshine lovers and fruit fanatics! Get ready to bring the taste of the tropics right to your kitchen with this incredibly easy and delightful Hawaiian Fruit Salad. Packed with vibrant colors, juicy textures, and a touch of creamy indulgence, this salad is the perfect way to end a summer barbecue, impress at a potluck, or simply enjoy a refreshing treat on a hot day. Plus, it's a fantastic recipe to celebrate the Fourth of July!


3 cans (drained) Mandarin Oranges - These bright citrus bursts add a sweet-tart flavor and a beautiful pop of orange to the salad.
1 can (drained) Crushed Pineapple - The tangy sweetness of pineapple is a classic Hawaiian flavor, and the crushed texture adds a fun dimension.
2 bags Mini Marshmallows - These melt-in-your-mouth puffs of sweetness add a playful touch and a delightful textural contrast.
8oz Sour Cream - The creamy base ties everything together and adds a touch of tang that keeps the salad light and refreshing.
Small jar Stemless Cherries - These little ruby red jewels add a festive flair and a burst of cherry flavor, perfect for the Fourth of July!
2 tubs Cool Whip - Light and fluffy, Cool Whip provides a delightful creamy element that complements the fruit perfectly.
Coconut flakes (optional) - For an extra touch of Hawaiian paradise, sprinkle some toasted coconut flakes over the top before serving.

Assembly Instructions:

This recipe is all about simplicity! In a large bowl, drain the mandarin oranges and crushed pineapple, making sure to discard any excess juice. Cut cherries in half and add. Add the mini marshmallows and stir gently to combine. Pour in the sour cream and fold it in carefully until everything is evenly coated. Don't overmix, or the marshmallows might lose their shape.
Gently fold in the thawed Cool Whip until just combined. Be careful not to deflate the whipped cream.

Optional Step: Toast some coconut flakes in a dry pan over medium heat until golden brown. Let them cool slightly before sprinkling them over the top of the salad for an extra Hawaiian touch.

Tips and Tricks:
For a fresher take, substitute the crushed pineapple with fresh pineapple chunks. Just be sure to cut them into bite-sized pieces.

Want to make it a bit healthier? Use low-fat or fat-free sour cream and Cool Whip.

Feeling adventurous? Add other tropical fruits like mango, papaya, or guava for a more vibrant flavor profile.

If you don't have Cool Whip, you can use homemade whipped cream instead. Just be sure to fold it in gently to avoid losing its airiness.

Leftovers? No problem! Store the salad in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Just know that the marshmallows might start to absorb some of the liquid and lose a bit of their shape.

This Hawaiian Fruit Salad is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser. It's easy to make, bursting with flavor, and visually stunning. So whip up a batch, grab a spoon, and let the tropical vibes take over! Bring a taste of paradise to your summer celebrations and enjoy the festive red cherries for a perfect Fourth of July side dish!


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