Making of a scientist class 10th most important questions

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Making of a scientist class 10th most important questions
Making of a scientist class 10th most questions
Making of a scientist important questions
Rbse 10th English Making of a scientist
Cbse 10th English Making of a scientist
Rajasthan board class 10th most questions
Q. How did Ebright's mother help him?
Ans. Richard Ebright's mother helped him by encouraging his interest in learning about butterflies. She took him on trips, purchased telescopes, microscopes, cameras,mounting materials and other equipments for him. She found things for him to learn.The book that she provided Ebright became a turning point in his life.
Q.What are the qualities that go into the making of a scientist?
Ans. According to the author, three aspects/qualities go into the making of a scientist-(i) first rate mind, (ii) curiosity to explore things continuously and (iii) the will to
win for the right reasons.
Q. DNA is the blue print for ife, how?
Ans. DNA is the substance in the nucleus of a cell. It controls heredity. Thus it is the blue print for life.


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