Spearcavern 8: Born Among Beasts

Описание к видео Spearcavern 8: Born Among Beasts

An edited, illustrated and narrated playthrough of the game Dwarf Fortress

With warm welcomes and sad farewells the dwarves battle an army of monsters from the depths as they continue their search for riches!


Thanks to everyone who helped out with this episode!

-Mrs K for her unending support and expert waxwork (she colors all the drawings. With colored pencils. formerly crayons.)
-Ivan Duch for making the theme and a lot of other songs for Spearcavern: https://ivanduch.com/
-Kruggsmash theme created by Topherlicious: topheranselmo.com
-Kruggsmash theme synthwave remix by Andrii Brynzak: https://www.fiverr.com/freelancers/ab...
-All of my patient, patient patreon patrons who I couldn't do any of this without:   / kruggsmash  
-Anyone who bought any of my overpriced Teespring junk: https://kruggsmashs-bazaar-2.creator-...
-Bay12games and Kitfox for making this amazing game: http://bay12games.com/
-And of course, you, for watching, my bearded bastard.


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