Easy Tips for writing your fugue - with example

Описание к видео Easy Tips for writing your fugue - with example

In this video, the basic fundamentals of a fugue are explained with live commentary and analysis. In a fugue, there is a cantus firmus, a main theme, which is developed throughout the piece. It is the goal to have the different instruments sound as independent from eachother as possible, though it is okay for them to be in unison in one harmony at times. Many fugues will begin with a prelude which can preview the main subject and the themes used in the main fugue. Often fugues will have multiple episodes that further develop the material, almost like mini stories or chapters in a book. Simple music theory presented for beginners of music composition. I hope you enjoyed the commentary for this video. This fugue is for four violins. What first inspired me and where I first learned about fugues was J.S. Bach. And I plan to make more videos like this in the future so please make sure you remember to subscribe.
Thank You.

#classicalmusic #stringquartet #fugue


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