Crossfit Benchmark The Chief 27+ Rounds

Описание к видео Crossfit Benchmark The Chief 27+ Rounds

I can't remember if or when I did this. I wasn't sure how it would go other than knowing it was gonna hurt. It's a pretty straightforward workout. Can you sustain and then do you have the mental fortitude to hold on in the end. I started of strong, but by the end of round 3...I was redlining. I went unbroken on everything, just started to slow down on the Squats as lower back was getting smoked. 5 3 Minute AMRAPs of 3 power cleans 135lb, 6 Push ups, and 9 air squats. Rest 1 minute between AMRAPs and start at the top each AMRAP. I got 6+1, 6, 5+10, 5+1, 5+5 RX Unbroken.


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