44 Short English Sentences for Daily Use for Beginners with Urdu Translation

Описание к видео 44 Short English Sentences for Daily Use for Beginners with Urdu Translation

44 Short English Sentences for daily use for Beginners with Urdu Translation learn most basic English sentences with their Urdu translation for every beginner.
If you want to learn English, you should practice a lot. One good way is through conversation. When we talk with others, we use different kinds of sentences. This helps us get better at speaking. It's like English speaking practice.

Every day, we use certain sentences often. These are daily use English sentences. For example, "What time is it?" "How was your day?" or "See you later." These sentences are common, and they help us in our day-to-day life.

English is spoken by many people around the world. To share ideas or just chat, we use English sentences. Knowing different types of sentences makes talking easier. So, practice these sentences, use them often, and you'll get better at speaking English.

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