Big Changes Ahead: Summer 2024 Fishroom Tour

Описание к видео Big Changes Ahead: Summer 2024 Fishroom Tour

This video showcases our collection of exotic shrimp species including the Green Jade, Bloody Mary, Cherry Shrimp, Blue Dream, Gold Stripe, and Chocolate Neocaridina. We also introduce you to our unique fish species such as:

Wabenmuster Honeycomb pleco
Peppermint Bristlenose pleco
Angelfish Breeding Pair
Red Laser Wapong
Boesemani Rainbowfish
Goyder River Rainbowfish

Our fishroom is not just about aquatic life, it’s also a haven for aquatic plants. From Crypts, Crinum Calamistratum, and Crinum Thaianum to Dwarf Lilys Aponogeton Bolvinianus, Madagascar Lace, and Amazon Swords, we have it all. We also feature unique plants like the Pink Flamingo Crypt, Ludwigia Repens, and Brazilian Pennywort.

Crinum Calamistratum
Crinum Thaianum
Dwarf Lilys
Aponogeton Bolvinianus
Aponogeton Madagascar Lace
Aponogeton Longiplumus
Aponogeton Crispus
Amazon Swords
Pink Flamingo Crypt
Ludwigia Repens
Rotala Rotundafolia
Hygrophilia Polysperma
Limnophila Sessiflora
Eldoa Densa
Dwarf Sag
Crinum Natans
Brazilian Pennywort

Experience the beauty of our Walstad and Father Fish Tanks, home to a variety of aquatic life and plants. Whether you’re an aquarist, a hobbyist, or someone who loves nature, this fishroom tour is sure to captivate you. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more videos on our aquatic adventures!

0:00 - Intro
0:26 - Green Jade
0:59 - Red Cherry
1:30 - Blue Dream
1:54 - Yellow Shrimp
2:35 - Walstad
4:11 - father fish method aquarium
9:21 - Goyder River Fry
10:05 - Aquarium plant farm tank
11:45 - Low Tech planted
12:55 - 5 foot Low Tech planted
15:28 - Walstad method aquarium
18:08 - Emersed outdoor aquarium plant growing farm
19:04 - Outro


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