A new Sofagate? Ursula von der Leyen again snubbed by a Ugandan Minister in front of Michel

Описание к видео A new Sofagate? Ursula von der Leyen again snubbed by a Ugandan Minister in front of Michel

New “Sofagate” For Ursula Von Der Leyen: The Ugandan Foreign Minister Skips Her And Does Not Shake Her Hand. Macron Intervenes. An episode that is very reminiscent of the Pause ofApril 2021 the one that saw the president of the EU Commission involved again Ursula von der Leyen. It happened on Thursday – February 17 – during the arrival of African leaders in Brussels for the EU-Africa summitwhen the Ugandan foreign minister Odongo Jeje has jumped the handshake with the number one of the European executive after the usual photo with von der Leyen, the president of the EU Council Charles Michel and the French president Emmanuel Macron.

Less than a year ago, the Sofagate caused a lot of ink to flow. On a visit to Turkey, the President of the European Commission had to sit on a sofa, away from Erdogan and Charles Michel, who had placed himself directly in the only seat provided by the Turkish President for the meet.

The story repeats itself. This Thursday, during the summit between the EU and the African Union in Brussels, a similar incident occurred. Ursula von der Leyen, Charles Michel, and Emmanuel Macron were gathered for a photo session with the representatives of the countries participating in the summit. As he takes the stage, Ugandan Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa walks past the President of the European Commission, ignoring her, to go directly to shake hands with the President of the Council and the President of France, who holds the presidency. of the Council of the EU.

Charles Michel remained impassive. But after the photo session, Emmanuel Macron informed Sam Kutesa of the presence of Ursula von der Leyen, who then began a brief exchange with her, without shaking her hand.

The President of the Council had already been criticized during Sofagate in Turkey for his lack of reaction. He then expressed “his deep regret”. This time again, the canvas attacks him for the same reason.

New “Sofagate” For Ursula Von Der Leyen: The Ugandan Foreign Minister Skips Her And Does Not Shake Her Hand. Macron Intervenes.

The Ugandan minister, in fact, as can be seen from the images that are bouncing on social media in these hours, directly shook hands with Michel who was on his left, while von der Leyen was on Odongo’s right. A few seconds followed embarrassment, with Michel standing still. But, despite what happened in Ankara with the Turkish president Recep Tayyp Erdogan, this time it was the French president who spoke Emmanuel Macron, who indicated the presence of the President of the Commission to the Ugandan minister with a certain decision.

Turkey, Erdogan receives Michel and von der Leyen but leaves the president of the European Commission without a chair – Video
The sofagate dates back to April 2021, when Erdogan, during an official meeting, left the president of the EU commission without a chair. At their first meeting after the affair, Von der Leyen had reiterated to the President of the European Council that he would never allow such a situation again. It should also be remembered that the episode of Pause it had become a diplomatic case that had provoked the reaction of European leaders and parliamentary groups in Brussels. The Ppe had attacked Ankara with tones similar to those also used by Socialists. Mario Draghi had then defined, in a press conference, Erdoğan “a dictator with which we must cooperate “. Declaration to which the other European institutions had not given any follow-up, deciding not to comment either “Qualify a system or a person”. Today the Northern League intervened on the episode Isabella Tovaglieri: “60 seconds were enough for Ugandan Minister Odongo and EU Council President Michel to humiliate women and European institutions”.

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