How Do I Have My Felony Conviction Expunged in Oklahoma?

Описание к видео How Do I Have My Felony Conviction Expunged in Oklahoma?

In this YouTube video, Oklahoma City Attorney Aaron Easton provides a comprehensive guide on how to have a felony conviction expunged in Oklahoma. He explains the requirements stated in Title 22, Section 18 of the Oklahoma Statutes, which governs the expungement of criminal records. The video specifically focuses on expunging a single felony conviction and explains the five essential elements that must be met. Attorney Easton emphasizes that the felony must be non-violent, there should be no other felony or misdemeanor convictions in the past seven years, no pending charges, and at least five years must have passed since the completion of the felony conviction. He also offers a free consultation for viewers who want to discuss their specific cases and eligibility for expungement. To reach his firm, viewers can call 405-888-5400 or visit their website at

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