GALS Screen - Gait, Arms, Legs and Spine - GALS Examination Musculoskeletal Screen - Dr Gill

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GALS Screen - Gaits, Arms, Legs and Spine - Musculoskeletal Screen - Dr Gill

The GALS screen is a core part of the MSK examinations, for when you are trying to identify an underlying limb problem

It's crucial to note that the GALS screen is technically this, a screening tool, rather than an examination, so the "GALS examination" is thus a misnomer.

A GALS screen would be indicated if a patient answered "Yes" to any of the initial three screening questions:

Do they have pain or stiffness in the limbs, joints, or back
Do they have difficulty going up and down stairs due to pain
Do they have difficulty dressing due to pain

The GALS screen systematically looks over a patient's gait, arms, legs, and spine.

It should be noted that there are several variations to what is contained within the GALS screen. Personally, I prefer to assess the spine after having reviewed a patient's gait.

Remember the core of the examination is finding areas of pain, or discomfort which would then trigger the clinician to do a full in-depth examination of that particular joint or body part


Watch further orthopaedic examinations for your OSCE revision:

The Elbow Examination
   • Elbow Exam - Orthopaedic OSCE - Clini...  

The Spine Examination:
   • Spine Examination - Back Pain Assessm...  

The Knee examination
   • Knee Examination -  How to perform a ...  

The Hip examination
   • Hip Joint Clinical Examination - Clin...  

The GALS examination
   • GALS Screen - Gait, Arms, Legs and Sp...   - Gait, Arms, Legs, Spine - GALS screen


Please note that there is no ABSOLUTE way to perform a clinical examination. Different institutions and even clinicians will have differing degrees of variations - the aim is the effectively identify medically relevant signs.

However during OSCE assessments. Different medical schools, nursing colleges and other health professional courses will have their own preferred approach to a clinical evaluation - you should concentrate on THEIR marks schemes for your assessments.

The examination demonstrated here is derived from Macleods Clinical Examination - a recognised standard textbook for clinical skills.

Some people viewing this medical examination video may experience an ASMR effect

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You can now consult via video or in person with Dr Gill at Dr Finlay’s Private Practice -

00:00 - Introduction
00:19 - Gait Screen Explanation and Initial Questions
00:54 - Spine Examination: Walking, Posture, and Movement Analysis
01:49 - Head and Neck Mobility Check
03:18 - Arm Strength and Mobility Assessment
04:22 - Leg Movement Examination
05:36 - Summary


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