Vargsången, Swedish lullaby (lyrics/translation)

Описание к видео Vargsången, Swedish lullaby (lyrics/translation)

Vargsången, "the wolf-song" is the lullaby from Ronja Rövardotter (Ronia Robber's daughter).

I can't tell you how many times I fell asleep (and cried) to this song. It made me feel safe as a child when I was scared at night and has impacted me a lot, even as an adult.

The inspiration to post this video is my newest family member, Sasha. He's a beautiful, fluffy rescue-dog and his company reminds me of the feeling of safety that this song has always given me.

I hope you love this beautiful lullaby as much as I do.

If you'd like to see my pupper, check out @tasha_trollet where there are some cute pics :)

(I do not claim ownership of this song or picture)


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