TOP 20 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ON JAVA COLLECTIONS|Java|collection framework|interview questions|Spring

Описание к видео TOP 20 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ON JAVA COLLECTIONS|Java|collection framework|interview questions|Spring


1. What is the Java Collections Framework?

2. What is the difference between Collection and Collections in Java?

3. Explain the difference between List, Set, and Map.

4. What is the difference between HashMap and Hashtable?

5. How does HashSet ensure uniqueness?

6. How does HashSet ensure uniqueness?

7. What is the load factor in HashMap?

8. What is the difference between TreeSet and HashSet?

9. What is the difference between HashMap and TreeMap?

10. What is the difference between Comparable and Comparator?

11. What are the fail-fast and fail-safe iterators in Java?

12. What is the difference between Iterator and ListIterator?

13. How does ConcurrentHashMap work in Java?

14. How does hashCode() and equals() work together in a HashMap?

15. What is the difference between peek(), poll(), and remove() in a Queue?

16. What is the difference between Array and ArrayList?

17. What is the difference between HashSet and LinkedHashSet?

18. What is the difference between a Stack and a Queue?

19. How can you sort a collection in Java?

20. What are the advantages of using generics in collections?

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