Business lessons from the Self-Made Series for Entrepreneurs & Hairstylist 2020

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Business lessons from the Netflix Series Self-Made Series for Entrepreneurs & Hairstylist 2020

Instagram Live with Jacqueline Twillie and her mother Cheryl Monroe.

1. Creating something new or improved requires grit. Ideas are great, execution is the secret to success.
2. Self-confidence is contagious. It allows a leader to have greater empathy.
3. It takes a team to achieve greatness, surround yourself with people who uplift you.
4. Self-efficacy is the antidote to imposter syndrome and a catalyst to innovation.
5. Control your narratives and write your own leadership story.
6. Focus on adding value vs. worrying about what others will say about you.
7. Stand In your success and bring others up with you.
8. Time alone provides space for clarity. Self-care is critical to leadership growth.
9. Tough decisions occur, be aware of the advisors you consult with. Create a legacy plan.
10. Never give up.

Leadership Tip Of the Day from the ZeroGap ( leading through crisis and chaos series.

Additional resources:

Jacqueline Twillie’s High-Value Leadership Course:

ZeroGap.Co Website

Jacqueline Twillie’s Website

“Don’t Leave Money On The Table” Best Selling Negotiations Book

Connect with Jacqueline



Jacqueline Twillie is president of ZeroGap, a women’s leadership training and development firm that’s dedicated to closing the gender wage gap, so women can earn more of their true worth. ZeroGap serves its clients worldwide from Dallas Texas, in the U.S.A.

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#BusinessLessons #SelfMade #SelfMadeSeries


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