Interference in Thin Films | Physics Video Tutorials

Описание к видео Interference in Thin Films | Physics Video Tutorials

Interference in thin films: Consider a transparent thin film of uniform thickness T and its refractive index µ bounded by two plane surfaces K and K dash.

A ray of monochromatic light AB incident on the surface K of the film is partly reflected along BC, and partly refracted into the film along BD. At the point D on the surface K dash, the ray of light is partly reflected along DE and partly transmitted out of the film along DG. The reflected light then emerges into air along EF which is parallel to BC. The ray EH after refraction at H, finally emerges along HJ. BC and EF are reflected rays parallel to each other and DG and HJ are transmitted rays parallel to each other. Rays BC and EF interfere and similarly the rays DG and HJ interfere.


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