JuliaHub 6.0 Features

Описание к видео JuliaHub 6.0 Features

The latest release of JuliaHub comes with some much anticipated features with a focus on automating infrastructure and configuration settings to improve scale and speed. Our aim is to continue to build a platform that allows non-technical users access to high performance tools while allowing experts to derive extreme value at scale. With version 6.0, JuliaHub has just launched a series of features that will help users get the full benefit out of the platform even faster such as better support for Pluto Notebooks, a new interface for the JuliaHub Drive and a new interface to interact with JuliaHub DataSets (powered by DataSets.jl) that you can host on JuliaHub to enable collaboration and reproduction of your julia pipelines.

In this webinar you will learn more about:
- The new DataSet Viewer
- The new JuliaHub Drive
- How to use these from user-defined code in JuliaHub
- How to share static Pluto notebooks hosted on JuliaHub

Got questions or feedback? We'd love to hear from you! Fill out the contact form below, and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.



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