Learn LOVE & relationship vocabulary in SPANISH

Описание к видео Learn LOVE & relationship vocabulary in SPANISH

Do you want to know how to say in Spanish: to break up, to get married, to get divorced, to live together, to have a wife or a husband, to cheat, and more? In this video I will teach you the most useful Spanish phrases about love and relationships. This lesson will help you express your current relationship status, too. If you are very secretive about your status and you prefer to gossip about others, then you can talk about their status. When you are learning a language, you need to learn as much vocabulary as you can. This lesson has plenty of colloquial Spanish words that are handy when you want to sound more natural, just like a native Spanish speaker. This is why I encourage you to watch my lesson and feel the power of the Spanish language in your bloodstream. Who knows, maybe you end up dancing reguetón.

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Muchas gracias por ver mi canal. Saludos, abrazos y nos vemos pronto, en menos de lo que canta un gallo.


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