泰国| 吃遍清迈米其林2022年篇-All the Michelin restaurants in Chiangmai Part 1【上集】

Описание к видео 泰国| 吃遍清迈米其林2022年篇-All the Michelin restaurants in Chiangmai Part 1【上集】

This time, I want to try all the Michelin restaurants in Chiangmai. Despite some disappointments, I am very satisfied with the experience overall. One should never miss these Michelin food when you visit Chiangmai.

这次小金来到了泰国清迈,打开了米其林指南,刷起了清迈十几家米其林餐厅。有惊喜也有失望,那么想知道详情,跟着我的步伐,去瞧瞧咯 (上集)


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