萝卜鸡汤:冬日里的暖心暖胃好汤品Chicken soup with radish

Описание к видео 萝卜鸡汤:冬日里的暖心暖胃好汤品Chicken soup with radish

今天要和大家分享一款非常适合冬日食用的暖心暖胃好汤品——萝卜鸡汤。萝卜的甘甜与鸡肉的鲜美相互融合,让人在寒冷的冬天里也能感受到家的温暖。Today I want to share with you a very suitable for winter to eat warm heart and stomach good soup - radish chicken soup. The sweetness of radish and the delicacy of chicken blend with each other, making people feel the warmth of home in the cold winter.


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