A Little Campaign to Educate Clinicians Who Gaslight and Treat Lipedema Patients with Disrespect

Описание к видео A Little Campaign to Educate Clinicians Who Gaslight and Treat Lipedema Patients with Disrespect

So, our lipedema community decided we should take a little action to help educate the doctors who aren't treating us well. We are writing letters, sending articles, and I am handwriting kind and thoughtful notes inside Jeans on a Beach Day, and highlighting the QR code to the Standard of Care for Lipedema in the US.

I may or may not also be highlighting the section of the book that talks about doing literal damage to women by treating them poorly when they come for help. ; )

Grab a Copy of Jeans on a Beach Day, for yourself, or for YOUR doctor here: https://amzn.to/48XhsN2


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