Kyuhyun Mozart 2016 - I Want To Escape My Destiny - Kyuhyun

Описание к видео Kyuhyun Mozart 2016 - I Want To Escape My Destiny - Kyuhyun

[Mozart] Kyuhyun – I Want To Escape My Destiny
I do not need anything
I do not need anyone
I do not even need this white wig anymore

Warm red lips scented with wine
Heating my body up
Even those temptations are meaningless to me now
I want to know

How can I lose this shadow, how can I deny my fate?
How can I reject myself and become somebody else?
Ask anyone, you cannot understand yourself
How can I stamp out this shadow and find that freedom?

Who are you really?
Do not constrain me any longer
If only I could live freely,
I would not want for anything else

When I hear the symphonies that moved me to tears
and women’s beautiful skin caresses my body
I tremble
I want to know

How can I lose this shadow, how can I give up on everything?
How can I betray my conscience and reject myself?
How do I live making my own path?
How can I stamp out this shadow and find that freedom?

The suffocating fear weighs down on my shoulders
Only silence answers my questions
I guess nobody will respond
That invisible instant, that breathtaking moment
The shadow following me will kill me some day

(How can I lose this shadow, how can I deny my fate?
How can I reject myself and become somebody else?
Ask anyone, you cannot understand yourself
How can I stamp out this shadow and find that freedom?)

Can I live while throwing my destiny away?
…find freedom?
How should I live?

Should I just accept my fate before that?
I will not do that, I cannot
Now I want to escape my destiny

Again delighted with everything that comes only Lord Cho Kyuhyun .
Listen to the voice Kyu, which penetrates our ears and is forever in our hearts.


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