Grande Sandals of Saint Lucia tour &enjoy sunshine

Описание к видео Grande Sandals of Saint Lucia tour &enjoy sunshine

这座东加勒比海小岛的自然风光绝对是其魅力所在:火山、热带雨林和黑沙滩在这里很寻常。对于度蜜月的新婚夫妇来说,圣卢西亚 (St. Lucia) 可能是理想之选。对于徒步旅行者来说,这里郁郁葱葱的雨林、鸽子岛国家公园 (Pigeon Island National Park) 和泰特保罗自然步道 (Tet Paul Nature Trail) 都值得探索。苏弗里耶尔 (Soufrière) 位于该岛的西海岸,背靠皮通火山 (Piton),是探索的好去处:千万不要错过这里的硫磺温泉和泥浴、美丽的钻石植物园 (Diamond Botanical Gardens) 以及安斯马明 (Anse Mamin) 的私人黑沙滩。您可以在众多餐厅中品尝当地的美食,从绿无花果、咸鱼到木薯面包,应有尽有。
#grande sandals tour
Hello friends, welcome to my channel!
What I want to share with you today is a tour of the Slippers Hotel in St. Lucia. This time when we came to St. Lucia, we stayed at the Sandals Resort. Regarding St. Lucia, it is named after St. Lucy (283-304 AD). Saint Lucia and Ireland are the only two sovereign countries in the world named after women. However, Saint Lucia is the only one named after an actual female historical figure. Legend has it that a French sailor was shipwrecked on the island on December 13 (St. Lucy's Day), so the island was named after her.
The natural beauty of this eastern Caribbean island is definitely part of its appeal: volcanoes, rainforests and black sand beaches are common here. For newlyweds on their honeymoon, St. Lucia may be ideal. For hikers, the lush rainforest, Pigeon Island National Park and Tet Paul Nature Trail are all worth exploring. Soufrière, on the west coast of the island, with the Piton volcano in the background, is a great place to explore: don’t miss its sulfur hot springs and mud baths, or the beautiful Diamond Botanical Gardens and the private black sand beach of Anse Mamin. You can sample local delicacies at one of the many restaurants, from green figs and salted fish to cassava bread.
Sandals Resort Hotel is a chain hotel that includes food, accommodation and drinks. Today I will take you to see the scenery of the hotel!
#Caribbean Sea
#grand.resort hotel chain
#saint Lucia tourism
#grande sandals tour
#saint lucia
#hotel chain
#Resort Hotel Recommendation


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