“Current Challenge to International Law: the Role of AALCO” by Dr. Kamalinne PINITPUVADOL

Описание к видео “Current Challenge to International Law: the Role of AALCO” by Dr. Kamalinne PINITPUVADOL

Dr. Kamalinne is the Secretary-General of Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO).

Seventy-eight years after the establishment of the UN, humanity is confronted with new challenges to peace and security as well as political and economic instability. International Law and multilateralism are at the cross roads today.
AALCO is the sole organization of Asian-African States for harmonizing their actions in addressing important international legal issues. It embodies the spirit of the 1955 Bandung Conference of Asian-African States, where they agreed upon ways and means to achieve fuller co-operation. It continues to promote the rule of law in Asia and Africa, and supplements the work of the International Law Commission (ILC) on the development and codification of international law. The presentation highlights the role of AALCO in: carving out a universal character for international law; strengthening the rule of law in global governance; and promoting multilateralism. Other highlights are: the genesis, structure, and decision-making of AALCO; how it addresses the contemporary global challenges; and the need for strengthening its role in channeling the views of its Member States in other multilateral fora.


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