Salli ya Salam

Описание к видео Salli ya Salam

Reciting a beautiful nasheed Salli ya Salam in a blessed Gathering

Translation -

Chorus - Send blessings, O Source of Peace, upon the Intermediary,
the Sun of mankind, Layla's visage.

O cupbearer of the lovers, fill up the cups
with the wine of spiritual tastes that revives souls.

From the Infinite Presence, suns arose
effacing the passage away from Layla's countenance.

The lovers' desire at the point of manifestation
in the Essence of the Creator: the exalted Master.

The Boundary of Infinity that was adorned
with every splendour; such is Layla's beauty!

Birds carolled atop the pulpits,
fragrances emanated from flowers and gardens,

Strings resonated at the presence of the beloved.
Sing! O winekeeper, of Layla's beauty.

O Fountain of Fountains, you appeared lucid
in every symbolization, cup and wine.

Sorrows disappeared, the Presence made sweet
by the concealed secret of Layla's treasure.

Ibn Yallas was enraptured upon drinking
the wine of spiritual tastes, annihilated then subsisted.

Upon you be peace, Best of Creation
for as long as this wine is drunk in Layla's life.


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