How to finish UTMB 100 Miles | Race Overview | Everything you need to know to beat all cut-off times

Описание к видео How to finish UTMB 100 Miles | Race Overview | Everything you need to know to beat all cut-off times

Detailed course review and analysis start to finish in 30 minutes with all relevant information that you need prior to the race.

Surprises are nice at a birthday party, but not if you run 175 kilometers with 10.500m of elevation. Knowing the course can be the difference between F and DNF. And the DNF-quote on this race with a strict cut-off is whopping 40%.

Especially one crucial information is nowhere to be found: the condition of the terrain. And this is as important as duration and elevation.

The aim of this video is to close this gap and explain everything in a condensed but comprehensive format. The kind of briefing that I would have wanted to have before the race...

Unlike almost all other videos I will not tell you my story. I will not bother you with detailed information on how I felt or what mood changes I went through. This video is for you to prepare for your story.

So if you are about to do this race or plan to register and want to know what you sign up for (and thus need to train for over the year), this video is a must see for you. But also if you interested in understanding what elite athletes really achieve in the world series finals, you will only understand it, after a detailed breakdwon of all stages.


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