The cheapest solar heater of Parabolic Dish type

Описание к видео The cheapest solar heater of Parabolic Dish type

Now I am testing this cheap mirror which must produce very cheap energy to be better than solar panels or thermal power plants. My cheap mirror consists of these two parts, and the first part is this primitive reflective film costing 25 cent / sq.m. This is the second part, and I spent less than $3 buying these thin steel rods.

After installing the film on the mesh of the steel rods, we have a concave mirror, and let's take a look at how it will focus solar radiation. We see that I will have to radically change the design of my mirror to focus the radiation better.

Nevertheless, this very bad mirror can give us fire, and let's look at how it will light a piece of newspaper. The paper does not light up immediately, and I had to wait for about 2 minutes while my concave mirror created the fire.

I think everyone understands that my goal is not to make fire, and my goal is not to grill a sausage with bacon. My goal is to find the cheapest mirror in the world to replace similar expensive mirrors which make up large solar power plants or produce solar heat with a temperature of several hundred degrees.

These beautiful mirrors cost several hundred dollars per square meter, and it is 50 times more expensive than my mirror. Its most expensive part is this mesh. Its manufacturing technology is similar to these fences with a lifespan of several tens of years. Interesting that the wholesale price of similar meshes may be less than 2-3 $ / sq.m.

Of course, my mirror has many disadvantages, and my experiments should find these disadvantages, and eliminate them.

However we know that these traditional mirrors have to turn according to the movement of the sun across the sky. But I will try to create a different type, when the mirror is absolutely motionless, and the sun is accompanied by the movements of this receiver, and I plan to describe this new type in my future videos, after a few experiments.

My goals are fixed by this formula which requires the cost of our solar heat at the level of 0.5 cent / kWh, and it is approximately 10 times cheaper than the cost of heat from natural gas. For example, here we can see that I will aim for the total cost of making and installing my absolutely motionless mirror less than 10 $ / sq.m. Of course, this annual heat production will be significantly higher for that traditional case of turning mirrors, but the need to turn our mirrors will increase this cost.

Let's look at this receiver which has these 2 parts. This is its absorber.

Now I am showing one of my experiments when cold water goes through this absorber and comes out here. We see that solar energy has heated the water to a temperature of 36 ºC. At the same time, the temperature of the cold water at the inlet of the absorber is 14 ºC, and we understand that the movement of the water through the absorber increases the water temperature by 22 ºC.

This is a similar experiment on heating the water with my receiver. Here we can see that the receiver is covered with a transparent plastic sheet which is needed if the heating temperature is several hundred degrees, and it should not be the water, but thermal oil, similarly to these solar power plants.

We know that solar energy heats the oil inside these tubes to temperatures 300-400 ºC. Then the hot oil produces steam for a turbine with an electric generator, or the thermal energy of the oil is transferred to the inside of similar heat storages. Then, in the evening and at night, this thermal energy produces steam for the same turbine.

So, our cheap mirrors can heat thermal oil to generate cheap electricity which can be generated both day and night, 24 hours a day, thanks to heat storages.


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