DR. CHARLES OMWERI AND MAJOGE ONE BAND HISTORY.OMWERI 1956- 2002. compiled by Mekenye Bw'Obara.

Описание к видео DR. CHARLES OMWERI AND MAJOGE ONE BAND HISTORY.OMWERI 1956- 2002. compiled by Mekenye Bw'Obara.



Charles Omweri was born in 1956 at Ibencho moogi village Bomachoge. Initiated in 1966.He went to Mesabakwa primary and did his std 7 CPE exam in 1972.Due to lack of school fees, Omweri halted his schooling and embarked on playing guitar with Migisi Nyabwanga who had earlier trained him at tender age. When he was in primary, he could absentee himself to attend a disco party, somewhere where he could participate fully as a guitarist. His friend John Babu who was with him in the same class, proceeded to St. Augustine Otamba high school in Nyaribari chache kiogoro ward. Babu was a footballer and little did he know that he could embrace his teachers and hand him a scholarship. It is during this time that the principal asked Babu to bring one of his kind, to use the money that Babu used to pay as school fees, as Babu was to be sponsored fully by the school. Upon hearing this, Babu remembered his friend Omweri. Omweri was a very good athlete. This is how Omweri joined form one in Otamba in 1974 after staying out for two years. All along Omweri could play guitar at home during holidays. After his form two exam, Omweri was employed by Chandarana music studio in Kericho since he had mastered well rythm guitar and he had participated in recording for some bands such as ibencho of Migisi Nyabwanga ,mambo bado of James Ombui where he took part in recording Ratego number 27 ‘OMWANCHI NARE KOEGA in 1978[1ST RHYTHM],among others.
During his stay at chandarana studios,this is the time Monyoncho met him and became friends.Monyoncho managed to convince Omweri to leave his job at chandarana and join him build a fresh Kegogi band which had collapsed due to mass exodus of key members i.e Moses Oyaro Memba,Joseph Aboki and Andrew Gitenyi.Upon teaming up with Monyoncho,Omweri remembered his other friend Osiemo Bw’Ayunga who was a very good vocalist and went for him.Check Audio story in my YouTube channel. part 2 loading


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