getting a sim card in japan at bic camera (docmo, iijmio, ahamo)💗

Описание к видео getting a sim card in japan at bic camera (docmo, iijmio, ahamo)💗

Getting a sim card in japan at bic camera, docmo, iijmio, ahamo

⭐travel sim
if you stay in japan short term you can get a travel sim at Bic camera or Don Quijote and buy the amount of internet gigabytes you need for your travel. They are huge stores and exist everywhere.

iijmio also offer travel sim cards, you can read about them here:

here is a list of shops you can find iijmio travel sim card:

⭐long term sim
if you stay long term in Japan, it's good to get a sim card subscription. In the video I talk about how I got my japan sim card at Bic camera and prices.

to clarify both ahamo and iijmio uses docmo internet, ahamo is faster, iijmio is cheaper.


Thank you for watching💗
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🌙Connect with me on:
Instagram: mareaxu_
  / mareaxu_  

Makeup Instagram: citroue
  / citroue  

☀️I recently moved to Japan for half a year, so my videos will be about Japan for a while 🌷

0:00 intro
0:13 long term vs short term sim
00:53 Bic camera
1:24 lljmio vs ahamo?
2:30 prices
3:40 sim card & paper
4:51 website
5:25 outro


⭐Background music:

My voice lol


Have a nice day!💕
see you around🐻


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