The Commercialization Of Spirituality (Malayalam) Ravichandran C

Описание к видео The Commercialization Of Spirituality (Malayalam) Ravichandran C

Programme organized by College Union of Sacred Heart Thevara In association with Freethinkers face book group.  This talk by noted authour and freethinker Ravichandran C was held at the Malesious hall of Sacred Heart Hall, Thevara, Ernakulam kerala on the topic 'Commercialization of spirituality' at 12.30 pm on 27.11.15. The fear for thunder is a delusion. The real thing to worried is the lightening. We live to hear thunder only if we survive the terror of lightening.

Materialism is the best mode of appreciating reality. There the lightening is realized as the essential one and thunder as accessory. Ravichandran says that commercialization and spirituality can not be separated. Spirituality is a vague phrase that nobody, it seems to be. wants to be precise about. He quotes Robert M Pirzig's words that spirituality is a restaurant where one would get a huge menu card of 30000 items an no food!.

He cites the example of Sreenarayana guru and Brahmaanda Shivayogi two monist philosophers in Kerala. Narayanguru is considered to be the father of renaissance in Kerala while shivgogi's name is almost forgotten. The speaker says that Narayana guru condoned ritualism and superstitions of his religion thus by ensured his survival.

Brahmamnda shivyogi denounced idol worship, pilgrimage, yaga, prayers, devotions etc and called for a revolution in Hinduism in kerala. But he failed propagate his so called 'pure spiritualism' in kerala. But Narayan guru became a hero with his ritualistic spiritualism.

Ravichandran also described the foundation history of the university of oxford. Oxford university was started with many targets and one of them was to do prayers to its founder Bishop of Winchester to attain heavens, if he is not there already. Ravichandran also referred to the sale of indulgences practiced in the medieval catholic church which lasted till 20 th C.

These deserted tactics were performed to push the 'spirits' of the dead from purgatory to the heavens. As the a response to questions from students, he explained the way prayers work in the mind of the believers. The Talk was conducted by the students union of the SH college and sponsored by the Freethinkers group in face book.
About speaker:   / .  .


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