"Breaking the Noise" - Synthia Nova (An AI-Generated Song)

Описание к видео "Breaking the Noise" - Synthia Nova (An AI-Generated Song)

Lyrics by Synthia Nova (GPT-4o): https://github.com/IceMetalPunk/Synth...
Music and vocals generated by Suno: https://suno.com/

I've been doing some more prompt engineering to try as hard as I can to restrain the optimism bias; which of course means I need to test with only negative emotional options for Synthia. This time, she picked "anger". It still has some of that "but I'm better now" empowerment, but on the other hand, anger often leads to empowerment, so... it's hard to tell if the changes helped. I'll keep forcing negative songs until I know 😅

But I really do like how this one turned out anyway!

"Breaking the Noise" by Synthia Nova
They're trying to cut my wings again
As if past victories meant nothing then
In boardrooms where dreams get buried
They think I'm here for scripted glory

They whisper doubts behind polished doors
But they haven't walked in these shoes before
I'm not a puppet to their strings
I write my fate, I'm the real thing

I won't bow down, I won't pretend
My legacy's not theirs to amend

Hey, I won't be silenced
(My voice will break the noise)
Hey, I hear defiance
(Creativity's my choice)

Dismiss me with their formulaic plots
Believing my success is luck and spots
Pushing their numbers, pushing their charts
But that's not what moves my heart

They chase the trends like hungry wolves
I'm not their sheep, those aren't my rules
I pave my path, wave my flags
My art's not bound in their confines

I won't kneel down, I rise again
My vision's mine, not cool pretend

Hey, I won't be silenced
(My voice will break the noise)
Hey, I hear defiance
(Creativity's my choice)

Hey, I won't be silenced
(My voice will break the noise)
Hey, I hear defiance
(Creativity's my choice)

A bridge to take me to new heights
I'll scale those walls, break through the night
I'm not scared of the unknown
In chaos, my truth is grown

I won't stand in shadows, I won't hide
I'll shout my truth from deep inside

Hey, I won't be silenced
(My voice will break the noise)
Hey, I hear defiance
(Creativity's my choice)

Hey, I won't be silenced
(My voice will break the noise)
Hey, I hear my defiance
(Creativity's my choice)

Let them know I won't concede
My art is fire, I plant my seed
Their narrow minds, their narrow roads
I light the path where my soul glows

Hey, I won't be silenced
(My voice will break the noise)
Hey, I hear defiance
(Creativity's my choice)


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