Don't be afraid to waste your high cards

Описание к видео Don't be afraid to waste your high cards

This video looks at examples where the right play is to play your high cards, even if it seems like a waste!

You can replay the hands using the following links
1. East must overtake, so the defence can make the first 4 tricks.
2. Whether or not declarer plays the ace from dummy, East must unblock. POLL1 – you win QH, what do you play at trick 2? - similar if declarer plays AH at trick 1
3. The lead makes it clear that there is only one heart trick available to the defence, so overtake to lead into dummy’s weakness. Lead higher than the highest card in dummy.
4. Overtake so you can give partner a ruff. POLL 2 what spade holding did your partner start off with?
5. The opponents start with 4 hearts so discard carefully to keep your 9 tricks: 5 clubs, 3 diamonds and 1 spade. (or using transfers) The bidding shows a transfer sequence ending in 3NT. The opponents start with 4 hearts so discard carefully to keep your 9 tricks: 5 clubs, 3 diamonds and 1 spade.
6. If you play ace of diamonds at trick one, you must discard a heart. Discard another heart on the king of diamonds. Discarding a club will not save you a trick, as you can hold your club losers to 2 by ruffing On this hand the best lead was a club, which can lead to the defeat of the contract. Try it by clicking on Play.


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