Chapter 14 is the final Chapter of this game's story, and it has quite a bit of baggage for itself to take in even by the standards of the previous two games' finales.
I decided to split this into 4 specific parts. This one focuses on just what happens in Verses 4 through 8, finishing up the Chapter and thus the entire story of Bayonetta 3.
Poor, poor Viola... This entire time, the whole point of her mission was to find some way to save a counterpart of her mother and father, her mummy and daddy, who turned out to be Bayonetta and Luka, themselves.
The last time she saw them, it was after Singularity's defeat, which left Bayonetta in a very vulerable spot to die. Luka saved her, however, but also decided to stay at her side as they were both dragged down to Inferno. That... was their final truth.
However, Viola now lost in a black sea. She had to fight the Kraken herself...
But not only that, but a shadowy form of her mother, Bayonetta. It was in fact the Bayonetta of the Alphaverse that fell to Singularity there as an Arch-Eve.
This young Kitty was ready to prove herself one last time against this Dark Eve...
Here in Verse 4, the Kraken and Dark Eve share a health meter together. After two of them are gone from the Kraken, you will fight Dark Eve for the rest of this fight.
When Dark Eve is on her final health bar, she begins to overwhelm the punk witch. So Viola was forced to summon her inheritance from Luka and finish off Dark Eve with her Faerie form.
This fight was ultimately a test to prove to this fallen Bayonetta that Viola was worth of truly becoming a witch in her own right.
Before vanishing into the winds, this Cereza gave her a new name...
There are even further credits than what was shown before, and these are played to a new Bayonetta pole dance to the original version of Moonlight Serenade by Frank Sinatra.
The credits here seems to consider of the huge conglommerate of support staff that helped with this game, as well, including all of the music production, the Nintendo localization across different countries, and even SEGA's "blessing" of the production, so to speak.
But during this is where Verse 5 through 8 take place. In these final Verse, you must quickly dispose of Homunculi in different set pieces of the game in order to get a good Rank.
Back in lovely New York, it was now a heavenly Springtime. However, new busniess was being conducted in Rodin's Gates of Hell.
Enzo was down there, too.
Viola walked in to talk to Rodin about something she can tackle for today, as there was no school going on.
She was now wearing her father's favorite scarf, and planned to go after a haunted house full of ghosts.
Viola was ready to hit the scene with now only her father Luka's scarf, but also... her mother Bayonetta's glasses.
Because... from this point on... Viola, herself, was now the new Bayonetta!
But before going on about that, how about another dance party.
This game's Bayonetta comes back one more time for a sexy dance, and she is joined by Jeanne, Viola and all of her favorite variants, including the two from the previous two games!
Who knows what kind of adventures Viola will have now that she's taken up other mother's mantle. Perhaps in the next generation...
Not only have a scroll of every single character in the game as a congratulations, but you still get even more things to use for further battles!
You get to use Labolas as a Demon Slave from Bayonetta 2's moveset, and you also unlock the Cruel Altea weapon.
Thanks for watching!
This finishes my time with the story, but there's still more material I can check out in this game.
For example, you automatically unlock Phenomenal Remant 14 to beat for another accessory. I wanna do that before going for anything else here!
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