The Front Door...

Описание к видео The Front Door...

First and foremost, I must give a huge thanks to Mark Soto "Blaz" for making such an AMAZING remake of the Castle theme from Super Mario World! It's the whole reason I did this short.

His Website:
Soundcloud:   / marksoto  
Youtube Channel:    / blaz1222  

With all that said, I LOVE Super Mario World, it's my favorite 2D Mario game by far. It starting off the next, arguably greatest era of gaming so flawlessly and introduced my favorite charcter: Yoshi!

The song really lead in for perfect storyboarding: the slow intro for entering the creaking castle doors and wandering around, and as it gets more amped up the challenges get more exciting, just like the game! Personally, my favorite scene's are rooms 2 and 5, cuz the environments and character animation really get to shine. Also, the first couple seconds were fun too, because it's "shot for shot" of what happens before entering a fortress.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy! And spread the love of Nintendo DIRECTLY to your friends and family!


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