Factorio Multiplayer with STHedgehog Ep119 | Many Deaths

Описание к видео Factorio Multiplayer with STHedgehog Ep119 | Many Deaths

Welcome back to Factorio!

We're playing Multiplayer with STHedgehog, so don't forget to check out what he is doing on camera over on his channel, you can find it here: https://bit.ly/2MAnhtg

This Series on STHedgehogs Channel: https://bit.ly/2nEwTs6

The seed that we are playing on is 3238225277 if you want to play along, it is 100% vanilla 0.17, the preset is Railworld and as the only modification to that, we have turned on Biter Expansion.

About Factorio:
In Factorio we are on an alien planet, the locals don't particularly like us, and they like us even less when we start building our massive poluting factory.

Factorio is all about automation, the goal is to launch a rocket into space, but in order to do that we need all kinds of materials and components.

There are lots of wonderful things in Factorio like transport belts, robots, inserters, assemblers, pipes and lots more.

Join STHedgehog & myself on our expedition to build up a factory and get that rocket launched.

Twitter:   / nerdyoldgamer1  

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Factorio is available on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/42...

Thanks for Watching!

#Factorio #Factorio0.17 #NerdyOldGamer #NOG


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