Seahopper Kondor Folding Boat - Sailing on the Mediterranean

Описание к видео Seahopper Kondor Folding Boat - Sailing on the Mediterranean

Sailing on the Mediterranean with a Seahopper (Kondor) Folding Boat! My friend, captain Hans, bought a fold-up boat from a company in England called Seahopper. I was skeptical of usage in the mighty Mediterranean sea, but was amazed to see it sail the sea with ease! Watch the Kondor folding boat from Seahopper in action, sailing on the high seas!

Seahopper Folding Boats - The versatile foldaway boat.

Boat entry was via the Basses d'en Coll lagoon, which spills into the Mediterranean, forming a lovely place for both beach goers, kite surfers and Seahopper sailers a like!

This was from the access via Playa Brava camping. See:

Captain Hans:

Film by YouTube user, PIJNACKER01, subscribe today:
   / pijnacker01  

Sailing the Mediterranean sea on a Seahopper (Kondor) Folding Boat!


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