CountryCsabi - Meet me in the barn - Keep country alive

Описание к видео CountryCsabi - Meet me in the barn - Keep country alive

Album: Meet me in the barn
Dal / Song: Keep country alive
Zene és ének / Music and Vocals: AI
Dalszöveg, vágás és utómunka / Lyrics, edit and post production: Kurucz Csaba

I wrote and produced this song at the request of Angel Gold Productions in Budapest for the opening country event of 2025 in Budapest on 4 January 2025, held at international scale for the first time.
Ezt a dalt a budapesti Angel Gold Produkció felkérésére írtam és készítettem a 2025. január 4-i budapesti country évnyitó eseményre, mely idén először nemzetközi szinten került megrendezésre.

Listen up 'cos here we come to celebrate the music
have your boots with you and put on your hat you're gonna use it
We soar above the sky and raise you into the clouds
Our hearts are angel gold
and we feel like we never get old

You may travel by your car or ride a fancy motorbike
Or if you come by plane just come over you will feel like
Friends help you warm up both your legs and hips
Country makes us stick together
and dance without limits forever

Common goals are what we're living for
If you needed us we always have an open door

No matter the distance, no matter the difference between us
Because of this freedom the passion never leaves us
Put your hand on your heart, we have our own roots
love of country music and dance will always
bring us together, make us related
you can feel the spirit of the hats and boots
Whatever you do from nine to five, keep country alive

Raise a glass to country, to the boys and all the girls
You can rely on these rocks see those beautiful pearls
Let the music flow into your veins and dance 'till dawn
Feel the passion in every move
All the angels will approve

Take a good look around, people here are so blessed
and on the dance floor everybody will feel the same at last
Teacher or a mailman, banker, or a waitress
Even a lawyer does the dance
If you're tired there'll be a second chance.

If you ask me how I am, I'm feeling fine
Get together for country, that's the bottom line

No matter the distance, no matter the difference between us
Because of this freedom the passion never leaves us
Put your hand on your heart, we have our own roots
love of country music and dance will always
bring us together, make us related
you can feel the spirit of the hats and boots
If you don't know how to survive, keep country alive

Good company makes a real big family, and we're so loud
This is where we belong, country makes us proud
Wherever you go, keep your head held high
we have this in common, let me tell you why

No matter the distance, no matter the difference between us
Because of this freedom the passion never leaves us
Put your hand on your heart, we have our own roots
love of country music and dance will always
bring us together, make us related
you can feel the spirit of the hats and boots
Thanks to the fans, we thrive
You keep country alive.


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