How to make large metal plates / metal sheets out of small tin cans / Hecha con latas

Описание к видео How to make large metal plates / metal sheets out of small tin cans / Hecha con latas

Metallstycke gjorda av konservburkar. Faite avec des boîtes de conserve. Mit Blechdosen gemacht. Realizzato con lattine. Be careful so you do not cut yourself, the metal can get sharp when you cut it. Konservburk. Lata. Conservenblik. Boite de conserve. Lattina. Tölkki. Puszka. Konservendose. Консервная банка. Kaleng. Konservesdåse. Trontong. Konzervdoboz. Plechovka. Balik. Blechdose. Återbruk av konservburken. Cut and reuse tin cans. How to make a plate out of tin cans. How to make large metal plates out of small tin cans. Blechdosen recycling. Reuse tin cans. Recyclage latas. Recycle of kaleng. How to make a plate of tin. Återbruk.


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