Why Hush is the Worst and Best DPS

Описание к видео Why Hush is the Worst and Best DPS

A (not very) brief look at why it is generally good advice to tell newbies not to immediately invest in Hush but simultaneously a good idea to build her.

Several clips in this video come courtesy of ‪@ryeoscz‬. Check out his channel for high investment Neural Simulation runs with every character on almost every boss.

tl;dr Hush's solo DPS is the worst in the game. Her duo DPS with Tess is the best in the game--even higher than Yao Winter Solstice with Tess. However, Mauxir Shadow Ka is a perfect support for Yao but not a very good support for Hush (still BIS though), so Yao pulls ahead in full-team DPS for now.


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