Grim Adventures - Irwin Messes with His Brother's Hourglass [HD]

Описание к видео Grim Adventures - Irwin Messes with His Brother's Hourglass [HD]

From The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy Season 1 Episode 17c: "The Halls of Time"

Irwin: "Billy, look! I found my hourglass, I found my hourglass! And there's my stupid older brother's! Last night, he gave me an atomic wedgie. I'm still chafing!"
Billy: "Hey, maybe you can shake him up a little"
Irwin: "Yeah!" [shakes Melvin's hourglass]
Melvin: "What do you say we get together later, and, uh--" [as a baby] "--dinner then we can--" [as an old man] "--suck some face"
Girl: [screams and runs away]
Melvin: [as an old man] "Don't be like that, baby"
Irwin: "How do I know if this works?" [throws and breaks Melvin's hourglass]
Billy: "Hey Irwin--"


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