Guru Purnima 2021 Bhajans | Top 5 Art Of Living Guru Bhajans | Popular Guru Bhajans |

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Dive deep into the infinity of the Master’s bliss with the Top 5 Art of Living Guru bhajans, for more soul-stirring music download the Art of Living App: 👉

📒 A Guru is more commonly known as a teacher or a guide. However, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar lends greater depth to the concept of a Guru. He says, “the Guru is a Tattva, the Guru is a light that is ever glowing and eternal. The Guru is not the (physical) body. The Guru is the Divine light that resides within the body; the Guru is love.

Whatever you have received from your Guru, you must share it with others. In life, each one of us becomes a Guru for someone or the other. What does being a Guru mean? A Guru desires nothing from you except your well-being and progress on the path. That is the Guru Tattva. You will surely have to play the role of a Guru in someone’s life”. Start your journey to this realization with this beautiful collection of prayerful Guru songs.

About The Art of Living:
Founded in 1981 by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. The organization operates globally in 156 countries and has touched the lives of over 450 million people.


Bottom CTA: Listen to more Guru bhakti music on the Art of Living App: 👉

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