Everyone is shocked by this secret zucchini recipe! Which I cook every weekend!

Описание к видео Everyone is shocked by this secret zucchini recipe! Which I cook every weekend!

Everyone is shocked by this secret zucchini recipe! Which I cook every weekend!
"Delicious Secret Recipe for Zucchini in the Oven" is a mouthwatering culinary adventure that unveils a simple and fast method for preparing zucchini, perfect for weekend cooking. This tantalizing recipe promises to elevate the humble zucchini into a delectable dish, sure to become a weekend favorite. From the sizzle of the oven to the delightful aroma that fills the kitchen, this video offers a delightful culinary journey for anyone seeking a quick, easy, and delicious vegetable dish.
Recipe and ingredients:
2 zucchini
Cut the pulp (set aside)
Salt, pepper, garlic powder
Brush with olive oil
Put on a baking sheet
Dice 1 tomato
Chop 3 cloves of garlic
Cut the zucchini flesh into cubes
Chop the parsley
Grate 100 g of cheese
Salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder
2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
Mix well
Put the filling in the zucchini
4 eggs
A few chopped tomatoes
Garnish with parsley
Bake at 180°C for 40 minutes
Bon appetit!


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