[Restoration Druid NAXX] Gluth kite [WoW Classic]

Описание к видео [Restoration Druid NAXX] Gluth kite [WoW Classic]

It's ain't perfect yet good enough. Our second successful try i decided to share the best known way to kill gluth becuase i love you ♥ (i had to watch palladin kite in order to get things right)
You need priest on you for shielding, healing and sometimes shackling because you'll take some hits either way.
And warrior with 1 point in Piercing howl following you (ideally offtank fury-prot since he has less dps than fury warrior to lose less overall dps on boss)
also 1-2 mages having one eye on you while you turn so they can use frost nova if it's needed wouldn't hurt.
PS i know i forgot to switch one of the trinkets PepeHands
also add me in discord if you want to have some druid talk ♥ ZloyIndy#2724
  / zloyindy  


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