Learning How To Accept Your Humanity | Premasudha Janet Hobbs

Описание к видео Learning How To Accept Your Humanity | Premasudha Janet Hobbs

Here, Premasudha and seekers from around the world share experiences that transcend the mind and the physicality of the earth plane.

The expansiveness, heart and love coming through helps empower listeners to more deeply embody our True Natures. Our technological society often demands physical proof of mystical experiences but this satsang allows us to sink into the truth within our hearts - who know that the magic is real. Humanity is meant to experience the divinity of the magical, mystical, and miraculous. Listen deeply to the stories of seekers who dare step beyond the limits of the ego into unconditional Love. You too, can do this.

May those listening to this satsang, bypass the machinations of intellect and go straight to your heart.
Remember the Creator is real. Love is real. We are all infinitely loved. You are never abandoned.

Immense Love and Blessings ❤️❤️❤️



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